LA Dance Chronicle: “SCAT!” a Tour de Force & Gift to Los Angeles

“SCAT!” Urban Bush Women, A Gift to Our City of Angeles

by Joanne DiVito

After a week of pressured deadlines and Friday night traffic, a trip downtown to the Music Center seemed a challenge. It turned out to be just that in the best sense! It was a night of “firsts.” The first time any dance company performed at the Mark Taper Forum, a wonderful unique theatre space, so perfect for dance. The first time the Music Center audiences were introduced to the trailblazing Brooklyn-based dance company, Urban Bush Women (UBW), distinguishing themselves from what Glorya Kaufman Presents Dance at the Music Center has done before. And the first time to see SCAT!…The Complex lives of Al & Dot, Dot & Al Zollar by Jawole Willa Jo Zollar the founder, inventor, artist, and director/co-choreographer of the production. All of these firsts created expectations that turned into an electric evening of dance, music and story understood on such a human visceral level.

Urban Bush Women

Founded in 1984 by choreographer Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, Urban Bush Women (UBW) seeks to bring the untold and under-told histories and stories of disenfranchised people to light through dance. We do this from a woman-centered perspective and as members of the African Diaspora community in order to create a more equitable balance of power in the dance world and beyond.

Urban Bush Women Welcomes New Executive Director


Fjord Review: Dreaming With Jawole Willa Jo Zollar